Friday, August 31, 2012

Kuroko Tetsuya Wig[Fantasy Sheep] Review

Kuroko Tetsuya- Kuroko no Basuke

Cosplay wig from Taobao seller  FANTASYSHEEP


Kuroko Tetsuya- Kuroko no Basuke

Cosplay wig from Taobao seller  FANTASYSHEEP

Overall Score: 4/5 
Price: 5/5
Quality: 4/5
Appearance: 3/5

Overall Rating. 4/5

Honestly I really like this wig, I like the color and the style of the wig compared to the other kuroko wigs I have seen, but the one thing that doesn't work for me is is that it doesn't look good on round heads [My head shape] so I was a tad disappointed by the fact how it actually looked on my face.  I can make it look decent in some angles, but others I look just weird.

Price: 5/5

Well it came from Taobao, so it was already cheaper what it would of been if i came from here in the US, nothing else to really say about it.

Quality: 4/5

I was a tad surprises when I got this wig, it was actually pretty decent quality wise. Just it a tad thin on the sides and such.

Appearance: 3/5

Well  the color is accurate to what they pictured, and I actually prefer this color for Kuroko. It was a nice color and and seem pretty poofy like the picture, i just wasn't expecting it to not look good on my face. The problem was the 'side-burn' part was kinda far back and it didn't shape my face how I usually would like it.


In the mean time, while I wait for my new kuroko wig, I just have to keep this and make due till then.

Taobao Store.

ebay store 

*The appearance rating is pretty much subjected to me and my round head, there my opinions of the wigs.

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